Monthly Archives: January 2014

20 Ways To Lose Weight Fast

miracle garcinia cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia: ‘Miracle’ Weight Loss Cure Could Be Dangerous Scam


A protein rich diet will also help you to stay fuller for a longer period and help curb your food cravings. Increase fibre: Make sure to add at least 20 grams of fibre every day; add fibre in your diet through whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Adding fibre to your diet through these sources will help keep you fuller for a longer period, thereby helping you lose weight. Omega-3 for weight loss: There are two reasons why Omega-3 is beneficial for weight loss: 1) Omega-3 enhances the flow of blood to the muscles during exercise. 2) Omega-3 also ignites enzymes that are important to transfer fat to parts of the body that need energy.
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My weight loss story: Beating addiction to flour and sugar

Garcinia cambogia is a small fruit shaped like a pumpkin that is grown across India, Southeast Asia, and Africa. It has been a staple in Southeast Asian dishes like curry and chutney. The natural extract of the plant, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), is said to have an appetite-blocking ability, and experts believe it has the ability to speed up the weight loss process enormously. In fact, one study found that people taking HCA, along with proper diet and exercise, were able to lose an average of average of four pounds a month .
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For so many years, I thought I just didn’t have what it takes to stick to a diet, that I was weak. I didn’t realize I was addicted to the things I kept eating. When I took those things out of my diet, I had complete control over what and how much I put into my mouth. For me it was an absolute revelation!
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